
*** NEW – Now available to purchase – Please scroll down for information about our recorded ‘Self Havening’ workshop ***

Sorry – We have no new dates available currently for our live Havening training due to commitments to research and other projects.

We encourage you to visit to browse all approved Havening training events delivered by certified trainers worldwide.

NEW – Now available to purchase:

RECORDING of online workshop: ‘Self- Havening for personal well-being and resilience’ now available for purchase

Your Guides for the workshop: Tony Burgess, Head of Trainer Training for the Havening organisation and Julie French, experienced Havening Trainer

Recording: The live workshop was delivered in March 2023 via zoom and all 1 hour 36 minutes of footage in the main Zoom room was recorded. Break out rooms were not recorded but all exercises were fully taught in the main room before delegates went into break out groups to practice.

Purchase price: £48 (£40 + vat)

In this workshop, Tony and Julie introduce you to some of their (and their clients’) favourite personal empowerment exercises combined with the power of Havening touch.

Here is what is covered in the workshop:

  • About Havening and its uses
  • How to apply Havening touch and how it soothes the brain
  • A quick reset – Letting go of any background stress and tension with Havening touch and playful distractions
  • The concept of going ‘diamond mining’ – (re)discovering your inner treasure
  • Sowing positive seeds of possibility with ‘Iffirmational Havening’
  • Using Havening to help ‘prime the mind’ for resourcefulness and positive outcomes – choose your bait and go fishing!
  • Connecting to the best version of yourself with Havening – nurturing a positive sense of self
  • Accessing the age-old benefits of gratitude with Havening
  • Commit to daily practices

You will receive a Dropbox link to a recording of the workshop – for your own personal reference only.

You will also receive in the Dropbox folders pdf copies of all slides used in the session and some simple information sheets to remind you of key exercises (again for your own personal reference only)

This workshop is designed to help you combine Havening touch and some easy-to-learn exercises to nurture your personal well-being and resilience.

All professionals and members of the public, around the world are welcome to purchase the recording of this workshop

If you would like to purchase this workshop recording, please use the payment button

NOTE: Pressing the button above will take you to a checkout via paypal. You will then be able to pay by logging into your own paypal account (if you have one) and if not, there is an option there to pay by card. If you log in to your paypal account and it uses a different email address to the one you prefer for correspondence, please email me at and let me know the email address you would prefer me to use to correspond with you (including sending you a link to your purchased product). You can also email me if you prefer to pay via bank transfer (although this may get expensive for you if you are based outside of the UK, due to your own bank’s charges for international transfers. Thank you. UPON RECEIVING PAYMENT FROM YOU FOR THIS RECORDED WORKSHOP, WE AIM TO GET THE LINK TO YOU THAT WILL ALLOW YOU ACCESS TO THE RECORDING AND SUPPORT MATERIALS WITHIN 24 HOURS. Thanks for choosing to purchase this recording and thanks for your patience. Profits from sales of this recorded workshop are donated to charity.

Also – Available to purchase from Virtual World Coaching Academy: Iffirmational Havening Online Course for Haveners (in-world with Tony Burgess)

For information and to purchase this product from Virtual World Coaching Academy, click the image below or click on this link

A proportion of proceeds from the sale of this product will go to The Peaceful Heart Network – a not-for-profit organisation, offering practical First Aid tools to resolve psychological trauma that anybody can learn and spread. Their aim is to relieve suffering and prevent violence.

If you are wishing to book onto one of our live training events as a ‘returner’ (you have done the approved training before with a Certified Havening Trainer), you can book a place at less than half the normal fee (£270 instead of £648). Click here

“I am so humbled to know Tony Burgess… He is truly passionate about the work he does. As a Havening Practitioner, his skills are used in a very elegant way… His ability to weave Havening into his work is inspiring and his belief in it really shines through at all times”

‘I have known Tony for 9 years and he is one of the most talented therapists I have worked with. He is extremely tenacious in resolving the issue for the client and generous with his time and care. The best thing about Tony is that he actually transforms lives; I cannot recommend him highly enough.’

“Excellent, engaging training”

Any new dates for our live Havening Techniques training events in the UK and beyond will be added here as and when they are available.


If you have any questions before booking your place on one of our live training events, please feel happy to give Tony a call on +44 (0)7989 469 570 and please leave a voicemail message if he is unavailable.

We look forward to meeting you, welcoming you and working with you.

Get excited! This is truly ground-breaking stuff!

Tony Burgess and Julie French are certified practitioners of Havening Techniques. Havening Techniques is a registered trademark of Ronald Ruden, 15 East 91st Street, New York.