
  • The Training

    Full participation in the approved live training course (£648)

  • Assessment: Science and Cases

    Post-training assessment –  currently £499

    Submission of 30 cases (forms provided) where you’ve used Havening Techniques

    Submission of 2 videos of sessions where you use Havening Techniques

    Successful completion of a Science Review – to check your understanding of the science behind Havening Techniques.

  • Optional (except USA) - online Ethics and Legal course:

    Some of you may like to take an online ‘Ethics and Legal’ course at $150. This is compulsory for candidates operating in United States of America but is optional for candidates operating in the rest of the world.

  • Certification:

    Upon successful completion of all learning and assessment there is a certification fee of $99 to become a Certified Havening Techniques Practitioner. There will be a $99 renewal fee charged annually for remaining a Certified Practitioner. These fees include your profile listing on the Havening.org website.

Above: From one of Tony Burgess's Havening Techniques training events in Staffordshire (UK)

Above: From one of Tony Burgess’s Havening Techniques training events in Staffordshire (UK)

Above: Tony Burgess teaching Havening Techniques training in UK

Above: Tony Burgess teaching Havening Techniques training in UK

Tony Burgess and Julie French are certified practitioners of Havening Techniques. Havening Techniques is a registered trademark of Ronald Ruden, 15 East 91st Street, New York. www.havening.org