Group picture from Havening Techniques training near Bristol, July 2015
(The fees mentioned below apply to all the Havening training events delivered by Tony Burgess and team either online or ‘in person’ in Staffordshire, UK. Any occasional training delivered by Tony and team in other countries may carry slightly different pricing)
Our approved Havening Techniques training:
£648 (excluding assessment phase and certification).
The training includes access to online videos including a recorded training delivered by originator Dr Ron Ruden. You’ll also have access to an online primer/manual for Havening Techniques.
*** IMPORTANT *** Scroll down to see other fees to become a Certified Practitioner.
Please note: This training is only stage 1 of the journey to becoming a Havening Techniques Practitioner. If you wish to become a Certified Havening Techniques Practitioner so you can use the techniques professionally (and be listed on the Havening.org website), you will also need to complete an assessment phase after the training where you submit 30 cases plus 2 video cases for assessment and complete a science review. Additional fees for this assessment phase are currently £499. There is also an optional (except for candidates in USA where it is compulsory) ‘Ethics and Legal’ online course where the fee is $150. There is also a certification fee of $99 upon successful completion of these steps and an annual fee of $99 for renewal of your practitioner status, which includes your listing on the Havening.org website
Tony Burgess and Julie French are certified practitioners of Havening Techniques. Havening Techniques is a registered trademark of Ronald Ruden, 15 East 91st Street, New York. www.havening.org