
PLEASE NOTE: We hold our sessions ONLINE via zoom

Contact us to book a session today.

Have you experienced a specific trauma in your life and feel it’s time to ditch any unhelpful responses and finally start living again?

One-to-one therapy sessions with Tony Burgess or Julie French

If youve experienced a specific life trauma such as ...
  • An episode of abuse
  • An experience of being bullied
  • A serious accident or natural disaster
  • A horrifying experience in combat or in a war zone
  • Embarrassment or humiliation
  • Animal attack
  • Been on the receiving end of criminal behaviour
  • Stalking
  • Received serious threats
  • Been part of an emergency situation
  • Viewed disturbing scenes
  • Experienced sudden loss
  • Faced serious illness or injury
  • Suffered extreme pain
  • Felt terrified by something that happened
  • Felt completely out of control in a situation

... we can help you, using a combination of Havening Techniques® and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). 

It is likely you have found it hard to shake off specific traumatic experiences. You may have have been carrying them around inside so they’ve been interfering with your life. You may have found that unhelpful feelings and responses to the past trauma have been triggered over and over again and for this reason you may have sometimes found yourself feeling helpless, trapped and imprisoned by your own past. If you are like most people that have felt haunted by a specific past trauma, you (quite understandably) won’t be aware of how to interrupt or replace the connections in your mind that keep the powerful, unhelpful responses alive.
Now, you can ditch a specific trauma, once and for all.  
We know how to quickly and effectively break those chains – those connections in your mind that have been binding you to your past traumatic experience. We can release you from that trauma so you can escape any unhelpful effects from the past event and start truly living again! We’ll use Havening Techniques and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) to help you experience freedom from your specific trauma experience.
Its time for you to step into freedom!
We normally deliver our 1-to-1 therapy sessions online via Zoom.

About Julie French:

I’m an NLP master trainer, therapist, personal and professional coach, training facilitator, author and professional speaker. Based in the UK, I am a founding Director of Academy of High Achievers Ltd, specialising in mindset and communication programmes that include training in NLP and DiSC behavioural profiling. For 20+ years I have been helping people to tap into their best resources to heal, to grow and to thrive. I trained in Havening Techniques in 2014 by the co-developers, Drs Ron and Steven Ruden and their team. I now combine a powerful blend of Havening and NLP to help individuals claim their life back. I am a certified Havening trainer and have had the pleasure of being involved in the training of many people in Havening Techniques around the world. I’ve helped many people to become free from trauma and much more besides. My mission is to empower individuals to become free from any unhelpful past experiences and help them get out of their own way so  they can have achieve more of what they want in life. I love my work and I’m known for ‘exploding warmth’ wherever I go!

About Tony Burgess:

Ive been helping people therapeutically since 1996 and have positively touched the lives of thousands of people over more than two decades
I have also been heavily involved in training other therapists, coaches and change facilitators, nationally and internationally for over 20 years now, teaching them to use a wide range of powerful techniques and approaches so they too can help their clients more effectively.
I have an Honours degree in Psychology from the University of Birmingham as well as being a trained therapist and having many years of practical therapeutic experience under my belt. The main methods I now use to help people suffering from unhelpful emotional responses to traumatic events are Havening Techniques® and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) which are a particularly powerful blend when used together. I was one of the very first people in the world to be made a Certifed Havening Techniques® Practitioner by the co-developers of the methodology, Drs Ron and Steven Ruden. I was also one of the first (globally) to be made a Certified Havening Techniques Trainer, which means I’m approved by the Drs to train others to become Certified Practitioners. I was also honoured to have been appointed Head of UK and Europe for Havening Techniques in 2014 and stayed in role until April 2017. Until February 2024, I was also Head of Trainer Training for Havening and over the years I have been involved in personally training many of the wonderful individuals that make up the global team of Havening Techniques Certified Trainers.
Client feedback: 
Tony ‘The Magician’ Burgess 
I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me and given me. Years of unrecognized depression, childhood bullying and a drug/alcohol addiction seem so far in the past now. You have enabled me to open my gates and access my true potential. I now feel that my life is just starting. My living starts now. The past to me is just a story to inspire others, but within my mind it seems so irrelevant when the future seems so bright! 
You have changed my life and I’m excited to start living and to never stop learning! 
Thank you so much. You are amazing and inspirational! 
Reece Smith-Rowe 


For working with people suffering from past trauma, the main tools that we now use are Havening Techniques® and Neuro Linguistic Programming.
You can learn more about Havening Techniques® at the official website of the originators’ (Drs Ron and Steven Ruden) here. You will find profiles for myself (Tony Burgess) and my partner (Julie French) on that site in the list of Certified Practitioners.
Please note that any therapist offering Havening Techniques that does not appear in the list of Practitioners on the originator’s website has not yet completed the approved training and assessment programme required for them to become a Certified Havening Techniques Practitioner. We strongly suggest that you check on the originator’s website that any therapist offering Havening Techniques is indeed a Certified Havening Techniques Practitioner before you book an appointment.


‘Havening Techniques’ is a revolutionary approach being used to help people who are suffering from trauma, PTSD, phobias, anxieties, stress responses and many other issues.


Here is a video clip that will guide you on how to clear the negative effects of more minor negative events for yourself.
Also, here is a link to some videos on how to use self-havening to let go of any stress and strain that might have built up during your day.


When Julie or I work with you, we’ll always treat you as the totally unique, wonderful and resourceful human being that you are. Our approach is always to work to meet the specific needs of each and every client.

Essentially our job is to help de-link specific mental and emotional connections within the encoding in your brain. It is this unhelpful encoding that is responsible for you ‘re-living’ or ‘re-triggering’ a specific traumatic or troubling experience from the past (recent or distant). This encoding needs to be changed so you can become free from the event in your past and adopt better responses in life. Most people don’t know how to do this for themselves. We know how to help you, effectively and usually surprisingly quickly, in a blend to suit your specific needs.


We work to free you from your specific past trauma experience(s) as quickly as possible. You deserve that!
If it’s one very specific trauma experience that needs working on, the job can very often be completed in just one or two sessions.
If there are many ‘strands’ or ‘layers’ to a person’s past trauma experiences it tends to take longer to get the results. Nowadays, we tend to work with those who have had specific isolated traumatic experiences rather than with those who have many layers to their trauma.
Many people also benefit from some positive, future-focused, personal growth work after the trauma(s) have been removed. This may be something for you to consider, especially if you have carried the effects of the specific trauma around with you for many years.
Carrying traumatic encoding around for many years can sometimes mean it has affected your sense of who you are and so some ‘rebuilding’ of your self-concept beyond the trauma-clearing may be required.


Sessions are usually held online via Zoom video calls


To book a session today with one of us, simply give one of us a call:
Tony’s mobile is +44(0)7989 469 570
Julie’s mobile is +44(0)7989. 991 056
Or visit our  contact page


Our standard fees for therapeutic work are £180 per hour. 


When calling, do leave a message as we’re often unavailable to answer your call personally. Most likely we’ll be helping someone else ditch their trauma and we promise that when you leave a message, we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.  


We look forward to welcoming your enquiry and helping you move on in your life!
If at any particular time we are unable to take on new clients, we can connect you to other therapists in our network.